Restaurant, cellar and wines, view, 10 rooms, walk along the hill
Specialties: roulade made from our own veal, steaks, homemade eco soups
Awards: Deanter, Concurs Mondial,
100% certified Eco winery and wines
Throughout thousands of years, in more or less intermittent intervals, vines have been grown on this land, intoxicating, playful wines have been tasted and poured. Legends and stories about the vineyards and the Roman military station on top of this hill have remained from the time of the Roman Empire and Roman culture from the distant 2nd century.
In the later years after Rome, numerous medieval feudal owners of the time took turns in this area, each of whom left their mark on the cultivation of vines and wine.
When once in your life you feel the call to take a new step, then you first look for a place to step into. A place that offers possibilities and opportunities that you see from the very first moment, but also feel, that this is the place you’ve been looking for.